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A photograph of Linda Eve Diamond standing in a garden.

Linda Eve Diamond's latest book is a free digital collection (available here). More than 150 of Linda Eve's creative works have been published, her poetry has been performed at the Dancing Poetry Festival, screened at the REELpoetry International Poetry Film & Video Festival, displayed in gallery and museum exhibits, and published by numerous journals and anthologies. Her poetry has also been honored with multiple awards, including the National Federation of State Poetry Societies Founders Award, the REELpoetry Film & Video Prompt Award, and two Grand Prize Awards from Artists Embassy International "for exceptional poetry that inspires dance and for furthering intercultural understanding and peace through the universal language of the arts." .




PUBLICATIONS in Journals, Anthologies, and Exhibits


POETRY & FLASH FICTION:  Poetry as Promised  Unbroken  The Dublin Poetry Walk in Dublin, CA  Wild Roof Journal  Viewless Wings Poetry Podcast • the Dancing Poetry Website & Festival (read and presented as a performance by the Poetic Dance Theater Company at The Dancing Poetry Festival in San Francisco, CA & read at the Dancing Poetry Festival's online presentations)  REELpoetry International Poetry Film & Video Festival  River of Stars (Poets of the Vineyard Anthology) • Catch the Moon (an anniversary anthology by Grey Sparrow Press) • Mediterranean Poetry (at • Crack the Spine  The Ekphrastic Review  The Ekphrastic World (an anthology celebrating five years of The Ekphrastic Review)  Encore: Prize Poems   Fresh Fish: Textile Artists & Poets Explore Underwater Life  Grey Sparrow Journal  High Shelf Press  HOOT Review  Leaping Clear  The Light Ekphrastic  Poets Reading the News  Of Poets & Poetry  The RavensPerch  Sleet Magazine  Flash Fiction Friday  FlashFlood  Snow Jewel  Spank the Carp  THEMA Literary Review  Nightingale & Sparrow  Bullets into Bells Website  Sabine Street Studios  The Museum of Art - DeLand's Poetic Visions exhibit and the Poetic Visions anthology (commemorating the show)  The Minison Project  Tuck Magazine  Cadence  Peralta Press  Quantum Tao  Swans Commentary  The Write Place at the Write Time  Your Daily Poem  Laurel Leaves Poetry  and others    PHOTOGRAPHY: Ponder Review (cover & interior image)  THEMA Literary Review (cover)  Pithead Chapel Journal (cover)  Cadence Anthology (cover & interior images)  Florida State Poets Association website (masthead images)  Of Poets & Poetry (cover & interior images)  Florida Fish & Wildlife News  A Cloud a Day by Gavin Pretor-Pinney: 365 Skies from the Cloud Appreciation Society (Pavilion Books Company, 2019)  Gravel Magazine  Grey Sparrow Journal  Spank the Carp  The Minison Project  The Westfield Leader  The Hollywood Gazette  The Cloud Appreciation Society Website  & others  ARTICLES & ESSAYS: The Vocabula Review  Enterprising Women  The Hollywood Gazette  Happy Birthday, Mr. Lincoln: A Commemorative Collage (Pen Women Press, 2009)  an American Society of Journalists & Authors anthology  Sixty Candles: Reflections on Writing Life (ASJAPress, 2008) & others





POETRY AND ART BOOKS: The Art of Listening: An Anthology of Listening-Themed Poetry and Visual Arts, Linda Eve Diamond, Ed. (Listeners Unite, 2023) (The Art of Listening book is available in ebook form only, as a free download at -Beauty of Listening - Poetry  (Aventine Press, 2013) - The Human Experience - Poetry (ASJA Press, 2007) • EDUCATIONAL AND BUSINESS BOOKS:  E-Z Spelling (Barron's Educational Series, 2011) • Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements (McGraw-Hill, 2010) • Perfect Phrases for Sales Presentations (McGraw-Hill, 2009) • Perfect Phrases for Building Strong Teams (McGraw-Hill, 2007) • Rule #1: Stop Talking (A Guide to Listening, 2007) • TABE Level A Verbal Workbook, 1st Ed. (McGraw-Hill, 2011 ) • Team Building that Gets Results (Sourcebooks, 2007) • Executive Writing: American Style (Apocryphile Press, 2007) • Perfect Phrases for Motivating and Rewarding Employees (McGraw-Hill, 2005, 2010) 





    2024: Artists Embassy International Poetry Grand Prize Award & First Place Award

    2023: Artists Embassy International Poetry Awards (for three poems)

    2022: Artists Embassy International Poetry Award

    2021: Artists Embassy International Poetry Award

    2021: National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) Founders Award - First Place & Third Place, & HM 

    2021: REELpoetry International Poetry Film & Video Festival's "Film and Video Prompt" Award

    2020: Spank the Carp Journal Ekphrasis Challenge Winner

    2020: Cadence Cover Photo Competition 

    2019: Artists Embassy International Poetry Grand Prize Award & First Place Award

    2019: NFSPS Poetry Award: Al Laster Memorial Award 

    2018: Awards: New York Poetry Forum Award Land of Enchantment Award 

    2016: Gargiulo Art Foundation’s “Art in Public Places” Poetry Award 

    2016: Flagler County Art League’s Award of Distinction (for photography) 

    2016: Spank the Carp Journal Annual Ekphrastic Poetry Award 

    2016: Flagler County Art League’s People’s Choice Poetry Award

    2016 League of Minnesota Poets' Grand View "Merit" Poetry Award

    2016: NFSPS Poetry Citation 

    2013: Forbes Library Book Spine Poetry Award   

    2008: International Listening Association (ILA) President’s Award & ILA Listening in the Business Sector Award &​ILA Proclamation

    2002: Coffee House Press Poetry Award 

    2001: New Jersey Association for Lifelong Learning Award 





FREE ANTHOLOGY: The Art of Listening - a free ebook filled with poetic works by inspiring contributors: Linda Eve curated and edited The Art of Listening: An Anthology of Poetry and Visual Arts (Listeners Unite, 2023). To make this book free to all, it is available in digital form only. (This book is not available through Amazon, which requires a selling price. Find this book at The Art of Listening book page here). 



• Listeners Unite: The Listeners Unite website (est. 2006), provides listening-themed poetry prompts, listening resources, links, and more. This website housed the call for submissions for The Art of Listening anthology. 

• The Beauty of Picture Books: With an interest in celebrating the value of picture books, she created and maintains The Beauty of Picture Books (est. 2010) website.


WORK ON AND SPONSORSHIP OF POETRY CONTESTS: Poetry Book Editor & Contest Content Creator: Linda Eve served as editor of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) Blackberry Peach Poetry Awards 2017, a book produced to showcase contest winners. As this was the competition's inaugural year, she alsworked with the founder on contest setup and processes, artwork, promotion, and both print and audio presentations of the winning poems. Poetry Judge and Contest Co-Chair: Linda served as a judge for the Flagler County Art League's (FCAL) Annual Poetry Competition, contest co-chair with FCAL Poetry Chair, Stephanie Salkin, and a judge for Illinois State Poetry Societies annual poetry contest. Poetry Contest Sponsor: As part of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) annual contests, she created and sponsors the Listening Poem Award category. 


NEWSLETTER EDITOR & WEBMASTER: In the past, she has served as newsletter editor for The International Listening Association's "The Listening Post" and as webmaster and social media coordinator for Florida State Poets Association.





Business, Educational, and Technical Writer: Linda Eve has written materials for communication, listening skills, business writing, English as a Second Language, and Basic Skills courses, technical manuals, and more​Corporate Trainer and Adjunct Professor: Over the years, she has taught business writing and communication courses and briefly taught developmental writing as an adjunct professor. Educational Book Editor: She's edited and updated books for Barron's Educational Series and worked on series editing projects for Pearson Education and Steck-Vaughn. â€‹â€‹

All content is © Linda Eve Diamond unless otherwise noted.
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Author • Writer • Poet • Poetry • Poet Tree • Photographer • Creative Arts • Listening • Love Poems • Concrete Poetry • Shape Poems • Funny Poems • Time • The Elephant in the Room • Award-Winning Poet•  Dancing Poetry • Creative Arts

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