"A Musical Gift," a poem written in loving memory of Mira Prabhu, was honored with a 2023 Artists Embassy International Award, along with the poems, "Their Voices Carry On" and "Escape Artists." Below this poem, find a link to a reading of all three poems at The 30th Annual Dancing Poetry Festival.
A Musical Gift
by Linda Eve Diamond
From a centered seat, one voice
started softly singing.
All around her, a hush began to gather
as everyone leaned in for this gentle offering.
Her voice, a rose, in bloom, blossomed, filling the room
with soft waves, sound petals, reaching out, touching
swirling and embracing us, with astonishing grace
drifting to a sacred hush, as we listened still to feel
the resounding sounds, the last note rounding, lingering,
slowly fading as it floated, as we listened for the magical
mystical, vibrational vanishing point
where a heightened silence falls
giving way to rising sounds of awe and rain,
connection, affection, and shared appreciation
for the power of one

loving voice.
Click here to find the Zoom readings of "A Musical Gift," "Their Voices Carry On," and "Escape Artists" at the 2023 festival.
​The link will take you to the readings on the festival's YouTube page, where you can also find the full Dancing Poetry Festival.
My beautiful friend, Mira Prabhu, who was the central figure in the story told in this poem.